Friday, May 7, 2010

Early works

1 comment:

  1. THe phot is such a stunning peice of nueveu surealist, via the data montages of hooch and Tristan, the Ball ferocity rels in the Picabia moments and drowns in Bacon's vulgar penetraitng glossy shell, the cold candle yeyes of a crabs biddy black bulbs on naked stalks, however the hair in to fully clothed male confuses me, throws me of such a well tronden path to a new obscurity in a jokey light heearted take like, an exxtra wlking on to the Set at Mc Cahons, GAte # painting set, on the night oafter he BEat his WIfe with the Criket Bat meant for the Lord, yeah light relief from th eover load of Patriarchal duties, the good son, tering his eyes out walked a perfect path along the beach to celebrate the sprit of man that had eparted.. shoudl have satred there, Colin.. Here the man reneters frame, sends out the trumpet er , there is life.
